June 29.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
July 3.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
July 6.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
July 10.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
July 13.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
July 17.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
July 20.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
July 24.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
July 27.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
July 31.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
August 3.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
August 7.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
August 10.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
August 14.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
August 17.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
August 21.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
August 24.: Guitar & vocals with Tibor Parrag
August 28.: Pansip & vocals with András Tímár
August 31.: Cozy piano evening with Zsolt Szalay
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2023. January 31. With K@